Kihara potential

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Revision as of 12:55, 22 January 2008 by Carl McBride (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Stub-general}} The '''Kihara potential''' was developed by Taro Kihara in 1951 (Ref. 1) and was inspired by the Lennard-Jones model. It is given by :<math>U(\rho)=U_0 \left[\frac{...)
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The Kihara potential was developed by Taro Kihara in 1951 (Ref. 1) and was inspired by the Lennard-Jones model. It is given by

where U is the intermolecular pair potential, and is the intermolecular distance.


  1. Taro Kihara "The Second Virial Coefficient of Non-Spherical Molecules", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 6 pp. 289-296 (1951)
  2. T. Kihara "Convex molecules in gaseous and crystalline states", Advances in Chemical Physics 5 pp. 147-188 (1963)
  3. Carlos Vega and Santigo Lago "Improved perturbation theory of Kihara fluids", Chemical Physics Letters 185 pp. 516-521 (1991)
  4. Carlos Vega, Santiago Lago, Enrique De Miguel, and Luis F. Rull "Liquid-vapor equilibria of linear Kihara molecules", Journal of Physical Chemistry 96 pp. 7431-7437 (1992)
  5. L. G. MacDowell, B. Garzón, S. Calero, and S. Lago "Dynamical properties and transport coefficients of Kihara linear fluids", Journal of Chemical Physics 106 pp. 4753- (1997)
  6. A. Cuetos, B. Martínez-Haya, S. Lago and L. F. Rull "Liquid crystal behavior of the Kihara fluid", Physical Review E 68 011704 (2003)