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Dr. Carl McBride Ellis[edit]
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Position: Machine learning (private sector)
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Homepage: [1]
ResearcherID A-7896-2008
Email: See my home page.
Institution: University of Bath 1990-1993
Institution: University of Salford 1993-1995
Doctoral thesis
Institution: University of Durham 1996-1999
Thesis supervisors: Prof. Mark. R. Wilson and Prof. Judith A. K. Howard, CBE, FRS
Thesis title: Computer Simulation of Liquid Crystals
Publications list[edit]
- Carl McBride, Mark R. Wilson and Judith A. K. Howard "Molecular dynamics simulations of liquid crystal phases using atomistic potentials", Molecular Physics 93 pp. 955-964 (1998)
- Carl McBride and Mark R. Wilson "Molecular dynamics simulations of a flexible liquid crystal", Molecular Physics 97 pp. 511 - 522 (1999)
- Mark R. Wilson, Melanie J. Cook and Carl McBride "Atomistic Modelling of Liquid Crystal Phases", NATO Advanced Study Institute: Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 545 Chapter 10 (1999). ISBN 978-0-7923-6099-5
- Carlos Menduiña, Carl McBride and Carlos Vega "The second virial coefficient of quadrupolar two center Lennard-Jones models", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3 1289 - 1296 (2001)
- Carl McBride, Carlos Vega, and Luis G. MacDowell "Isotropic-nematic phase transition: Influence of intramolecular flexibility using a fused hard sphere model", Physical Review E 64 011703 (2001)
- Carlos Vega, Carl McBride, and Luis G. MacDowell "Liquid crystal phase formation for the linear tangent hard sphere model from Monte Carlo simulations", Journal of Chemical Physics 115 pp. 4203-4211 (2001)
- Carl McBride and Carlos Vega "Fluid solid equilibrium for two dimensional tangent hard disk chains from Wertheim's perturbation theory", Journal of Chemical Physics 116 pp. 1757-1759 (2002)
- Carlos Vega, Carl McBride and Luis G. MacDowell "The effect of flexibility on the phase diagram of simple molecular models", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics4 pp. 853 - 862 (2002)
- Carlos Vega and Carl McBride "Scaling laws for the equation of state of flexible and linear tangent hard sphere chains", Physical Review E 65 052501 (2002)
- Carlos Vega, Carl McBride and Carlos Menduiña "The second virial coefficient of the dipolar two center Lennard-Jones model", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4 pp. 3000 - 3007 (2002)
- Carl McBride and Carlos Vega "A Monte Carlo study of the influence of molecular flexibility on the phase diagram of a fused hard sphere model", Journal of Chemical Physics 117 pp. 10370-10379 (2002)
- Juan J. Freire and Carl McBride "Mesophase Formation in Solutions of Diblock Copolymers Simulated Using the Bond Fluctuation Model", Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 12 pp. 237 - 242 (2003)
- C. Vega, C. McBride, E. de Miguel, F. J. Blas and A. Galindo "The phase diagram of the two center Lennard-Jones model as obtained from computer simulation and Wertheim's thermodynamic perturbation theory", Journal of Chemical Physics 118 pp. 10696-10706 (2003)
- Carlos Vega, José L. F. Abascal, Carl McBride and Fernando Bresme "The fluid–solid equilibrium for a charged hard sphere model revisited", Journal of Chemical Physics 119 pp. 964-971 (2003)
- Eduardo Sanz, Carl McBride and Carlos Vega "The properties of fully flexible Lennard-Jones chains in the solid phase: Wertheim theory and simulation", Molecular Physics 101 pp. 2241-2255 (2003)
- José L. F. Abascal, Carlos Vega, Carl McBride and Fernando Bresme "Characterization of the order-disorder transition of a charged hard-sphere model", Physical Review E 68 052501 (2003)
- Carlos Vega, Luis G. MacDowell, Carl McBride, Felipe J. Blas, Amparo Galindo and Eduardo Sanz "Molecular modeling of flexible molecules. Vapor–liquid and fluid–solid equilibria" Journal of Molecular Liquids 113 pp. 37-51 (2004)
- Carl McBride, Carlos Vega, Eduardo Sanz, and Jose L. F. Abascal "Formation of high density amorphous ice by decompression of ice VII and ice VIII at 135 K", Journal of Chemical Physics 121 pp. 11907-11911 (2004)
- Carl McBride, Carlos Vega, Eduardo Sanz, Luis G. MacDowell and Jose L. F. Abascal "The range of meta stability of ice-water melting for two simple models of water", Molecular Physics 103 pp. 1 - 5 (2005)
- Carlos Vega, Carl McBride, Eduardo Sanz and Jose L. F. Abascal "Radial distribution functions and densities for the SPC/E, TIP4P and TIP5P models for liquid water and ices Ih, Ic, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI and XII", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7 pp. 1450-1456 (2005)
- Carl McBride, Carlos Vega, and Eduardo Sanz "Non-Markovian melting: a novel procedure to generate initial liquid like phases for small molecules for use in computer simulation studies", Computer Physics Communications 170 pp. 137-143 (2005)
- Carlos Vega, José L. F. Abascal, Eduardo Sanz, Luis G. MacDowell and C arl McBride "Can simple models describe the phase diagram of water?", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 pp. S3283-S3288 (2005)
- Carl McBride "Computers and Liquid State Statistical Mechanics" Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York: "Computer Physics Research Trends" (2007) ISBN 1-60021-595-5 (
- Carl McBride and Enrique Lomba "Hard biaxial ellipsoids revisited: Numerical results", Fluid Phase Equilibria 255 pp. 37-45 (2007)
- E. Lomba, N. G. Almarza, C. Martín, and C. McBride "Phase behavior of attractive and repulsive ramp fluids: Integral equation and computer simulation studies", Journal of Chemical Physics 126 244510 (2007)
- Carl McBride "wikiFactor: a measure of the importance of a wiki site", arXiv:0902.3439 19 Feb (2009)
- Helena L. Pi, Juan L. Aragones, Carlos Vega, Eva G. Noya, Jose L. F. Abascal, Miguel A. Gonzalez and Carl McBride "Anomalies in water as obtained from computer simulations of the TIP4P/2005 model: density maxima, and density, isothermal compressibility and heat capacity minima", Molecular Physics 107 pp. 365-374 (2009)
- Carl McBride, Carlos Vega, Eva G. Noya, Rafael Ramirez, Luis M. Sese "Quantum contributions in the ice phases: the path to a new empirical model for water -- TIP4PQ/2005", Journal of Chemical Physics 131 024506 (2009)
- C. Vega, M. M. Conde, C. McBride, J. L. F. Abascal, E. G. Noya, R. Ramirez, and L. M. Sesé "Heat capacity of water: A signature of nuclear quantum effects", Journal of Chemical Physics 132 046101 (2010)
- Maria M. Conde, Carlos Vega, Carl McBride, Eva G. Noya, Rafael Ramírez, and Luis M. Sesé "Can gas hydrate structures be described using classical simulations?", Journal of Chemical Physics 132 114503 (2010)
- Eva G. Noya, Luis M. Sesé, Rafael Ramírez, Carl McBride, María Martín Conde, and Carlos Vega "Path integral Monte Carlo simulations for rigid rotors and their application to water", Molecular Physics 109 pp. 149-168 (2011)
- Eva G. Noya, Carlos Vega, and Carl McBride "A quantum propagator for path-integral simulations of rigid molecules", Journal of Chemical Physics 134 054117 (2011)
- Amirhossein Ahmadi, Carl McBride, Juan J. Freire, Anna Kajetanowicz, Justyna Czaban and Karol Grela "Force Field Parametrization and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Flexible POSS-Linked (NHC; Phosphine) Ru Catalytic Complexes", Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 pp. 12017-12024 (2011)
- Carl McBride, Eva G. Noya, Juan L. Aragones, María Martín Conde and Carlos Vega "The phase diagram of water from quantum simulations", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 pp. 10140-10146 (2012)
- Carl McBride, Juan L. Aragones, Eva G. Noya, and Carlos Vega "A study of the influence of isotopic substitution on the melting point and temperature of maximum density of water by means of path integral simulations of rigid models", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 pp. 15199-15205 (2012)
- Carl McBride, Eva G. Noya, and Carlos Vega "A computer program to evaluate the NVM propagator for rigid asymmetric tops for use in path integral simulations of rigid bodies", Computer Physics Communications 184 pp. 885-890 (2013)
- Juan J. Freire, Ahmadi Amirhossein and Carl McBride "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Protonated G4 PAMAM Dendrimer in an Ionic Liquid System", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 pp. 15157-15164 (2013)
- Ana M. Rubio, Carl McBride, and Juan J. Freire "Binary Interactions between Dendrimer Molecules. A Simulation Study", Macromolecules 47 pp. 5379-5387 (2014)
- Miguel Ángel González, Eduardo Sanz, Carl McBride, José L. F. Abascal, Carlos Vega, and Chantal Valeriani "Nucleation free-energy barriers with Hybrid Monte-Carlo/Umbrella Sampling", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 pp. 24913-24919 (2014)
- Juan J. Freire, Ana M. Rubio and Carl McBride "Coarse-Grained and Atomistic Simulations for the G=4 PAMAM-EDA Dendrimer", Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 24 pp. 432-441 (2015)
- Juan J. Freire, Ana M. Rubio and Carl McBride "Calculation of Conformational Properties and Rouse Relaxation Times of PAMAM-EDA Dendrimers under Different pH Conditions", Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 25 pp. 403-412 (2016)
- Carl McBride "Scientists in silico?", arXiv:1711.00678 2 Nov (2017)
- Carl McBride Ellis "The Orange Book of Machine Learning", Leanpub (2024)